
I fly with the stars in the skies, I am no longer trying to survive

Kategori: Tankar

Being me to stay alive here,  I am only doing me to stay true. to who I am, to who i was, to who I am trying to become cuz
That's the thing they always wanna be a bitch on, not settling mind on who I think off 

Still i Rise

Kategori: Tankar


The color indigo

Kategori: Tankar

To live in a world as an indigo child is not the easiest, you will meet many ups and downs. But, through will and perceverence, you will get through it as a stronger being. 

Ensamhetens äckliga håla

Kategori: Tankar

Tanken på dig får mig att bli kall
Hjärtat säger nej men kroppen säger ja
Men trots allt så fick du mig på fall
Du kanske älskar mig men jag vill ändå dra